Citylink Electronics Ltd.

Location: Hong Kong

Contact Numbers

Whatsapp: +44 (0)7123 456 789
Whatsapp: +44 (0)7123 456 789

About Citylink Electronics Ltd.
Unverified Company

Citylink Electronics Limited was serving Mobile products and digital technology for 24 years since 1995. Citylink employ up to 200 staff as professional team and provide products including mobile phone, digital camera, tablet computer and professional after sales services. (Citylink Electronics Limited is the market leader of retail company in parallel import of mobile phones in this 11 years.) Citylink Electronics Limited also being a largest Retail-Sales Group provide parallel import mobile phone to customer with 18 months warranty. Citylink now have 11 retail store that located in Hong Kong. Citylink served at least 2 million clients per year, totally have 400 thousand members and 160 thousand members in china mainland.


CamerasNew Mobiles (Sim Free)Wearable TechnologyBluetooth ProductsSim CardsTabletsBrown GoodsComputingData Products/Modems


Retailer (11+ Stores)
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Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates

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